Restorative Justice Changes Lives

Published: Wednesday, September 16th, 2020

Lucy Jaffé writes about the power and potential of Restorative Justice in Independent Monitor Magazine

Why me?’s Director, Lucy Jaffé, had an article about Restorative Justice published in Independent Monitor Magazine this summer. The journal is sent to all members of the Association of Members of Independent Monitoring Boards (AMIMB) as part of their subscription.  AMIMB are an independent membership organisation for people on Independent Monitoring Boards, monitoring fairness and respect for people in custody.

The article explains how Restorative Justice works, why it is needed, and how overwhelmingly positive the feedback is from participants. It also tells the stories of many people affected by serious crimes: attempted murder; serious assault; sexual violence; and the murder of loved ones, who have had their recovery transformed by Restorative Justice. They have now become ambassadors for Why me?, keen to spread the word about the powerful impact that Restorative Justice can have on helping people to move forward with their lives after being affected by crime.

You can read the full article below:

Restorative Justice changes lives

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