Christmas 2021 Challenge

Published: Friday, December 17th, 2021

Christmas 2021 challengeThe Why me? Christmas 2021 Challenge is now live! This year, for the first time, we are using an inspiring story to reach out to our community for donations during the festive period. We want to share Lucy’s journey and raise funds to help more people like her in 2022. Lucy is now a Why me? ambassador, but before this, her life was severely affected when she was attacked by an ex-partner. Following the violent assault she felt unable to live her life normally, or even leave her home due to the level of anxiety she suffered.

This is where Restorative Justice came in and helped her move past the trauma of this attack, by going through the restorative process and eventually meeting her attacker. The carefully and safely planned meeting, as she says in our appeal, was life changing. Lucy is one of our 15 ambassadors who represent Why me? and help inform how we carry out our work. They have a range of experiences of Restorative Justice but with one factor that they all share; the enormous, positive impact Restorative Justice has had on their life.

We want more people to be able to experience these benefits and our challenge is to raise £2,000 to make it happen, and continue this work in 2022. We genuinely value all contributions that people are able to make over the holiday season, and for those who are not able to help financially, sharing with family and friends is a great way to help.

This could be through your social media profile, to a group on WhatsApp or an email list.  This is a great way to get the message out there and raise some money at the same time.

Donate to our Christmas Appeal!

© 2025 Why me? Charity no. 1137123. Company no. 6992709.