What’s coming up in Restorative Justice Week?

Published: Wednesday, October 18th, 2023

This is a blog by our Communications and Events Coordinator, Keeva Baxter.


Restorative Justice Week, which this year falls between the 19th and the 25th of November, is fast approaching. We have an exciting line up of events and activities to share with you which will bring together the restorative community, spark challenging yet meaningful conversations and spread the word about Restorative Justice to a wider audience.

So what is coming up that you should know about?


This year Why me? are using the theme of ‘Restorative Justice works’, with the hashtag #RJWorks. We want to use this idea to spark conversations about how it works, why it works and who it works for. We also want to use the message of #RJWorks to spread the word about its efficacy and the power of the process to those who haven’t come across it before. We welcome others to join in with this theme, using the hashtag and tagging us so we can amplify your voices too.


We have three unique and powerful events planned for across the week. Find out more and sign up via the links below!

How can Restorative Justice support survivors of domestic and sexual violence? 

Lunch and Learn: The power of deep listening

Lunch and Learn: In discussion with the Youth Justice Board


How can Restorative Justice support survivors of domestic and sexual violence?

Thursday 23rd November, 2-3:30pm, online

Do you work with people who have been affected by domestic or sexual violence? Have you experienced one of these crimes yourself? Do you want to understand how Restorative Justice can be used to repair the harm caused by those crimes.

People who have experienced domestic and sexual violence often face barriers to accessing Restorative Justice. We hear the concerns of organisations who support survivors and want this event to explore the benefits, risks and how we can work together to ensure that people affected by these crimes can access the resources they need.

Join us to hear directly from survivors of domestic and sexual violence who have been through the Restorative Justice process. Our panel will share what they needed for their recovery and how a variety of restorative processes helped in their journey towards healing. We will also be joined by our Restorative Justice Coordinator, Inger Brit Lowater, who will give the perspective of a facilitator who has delivered Restorative Justice for these crime types.

You will also be the first to receive Why me?’s new podcast ‘Restorative Talks’ and will meet the makers and speakers from the first three episodes!

Find out more and sign up

The power of deep listening

Wednesday 22nd November, 12:30-1:15pm, online

Do you work with people who have been affected by crime, conflict or the justice system? With a justice system that often leaves people feeling silenced and unable to have their say, it is of paramount importance that we support people to have their voices heard.

In this Lunch and Learn session we will explore the power of deep listening and how listening alone can help people affected by crime to begin to heal and recover. We will be joined by Inger Brit Lowater, who will share her experiences of deep listening as both a Victim Liaison Officer and a Restorative Justice facilitator. She will explore how curious kindness and suspending judgment can ensure that people can get the support they are denied in the conventional justice system and for some, can be enough to help them move forward. We will also explore the topic of shame, how it affects our ability to communicate and how active listening can help people who are experiencing shame to move on.

Join us for a deep dive conversation into how listening can be used in the restorative field and beyond to support people affected by crime.

Find out more and sign up

In discussion with the Youth Justice Board

Friday 24th November, 12:30-1:30pm, online

We are delighted to welcome Liz Opoku, Strategy Officer at the Youth Justice Board (YJB), to talk to Why me?’s Director, Lucy Jaffé, about the current plans and policies involving Restorative Justice. This event is particularly relevant for youth justice professionals, who are working in youth offending teams or custodial settings. By attending you will get insights into the YJB’s policy on Restorative Justice, answers to questions related to current delivery, monitoring and evaluation, and ideas about future YJB policy developments.

Why me?’s collaboration with Pete Wallis from Oxfordshire Youth Offending Team led to the YJB adopting a 10th KPI on victims and Restorative Justice, which has been in force since 1st April 2023. We welcome the fact that this important area of work undertaken by Youth Justice Services is being recognised and counted. In this event, Liz will outline the YJB current plans, policies and reporting against the 10th KPI on victims of crime and Restorative Justice. She will then answer questions put to her by Lucy and from the audience.

Why me? are interested in the models being used by Youth Justice Services to gather the data for this KPI and successes and challenges arising from it. We are keen that the strategy and business plans being developed by the YJB will incorporate clear commitments to the use of Restorative Justice for both children who commit crime and the victims of their crimes. Why me? are also a member of the Advisory Board to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Restorative Justice who have a keen interest in ensuring the widest possible reach of good quality Restorative Justice for people affected by crime and conflict.

Find out more and sign up 

We are excited for a week packed full of passion for Restorative Justice. If you have any questions, please get in touch with keeva.baxter@why-me.org.

© 2025 Why me? Charity no. 1137123. Company no. 6992709.