Campaigning for change during the General Election

Published: Wednesday, June 19th, 2024

This is a blog by our Communications and Campaigns Manager, Keeva Baxter.


Last week, major political parties released their manifestos in advance of the General Election on the 4th of July. The manifestos outline their key priorities and the actions they intend to take, should they be elected next month. Each of the parties had a distinct section on policing and crime, highlighting their different approaches to tackling the rising prison population and addressing crime and justice in the UK.

Two parties, the Liberal Democrats and the Green Party, mentioned Restorative Justice by name, respectively pledging to “Help rebuild public trust in policing by: Improving access to restorative justice services” and “expand restorative justice when crimes do take place, both to give victims a voice and to help offenders take responsibility for the harm they have done.” The Green Manifesto continued: “The Green approach to crime is grounded in a restorative approach and a belief that rehabilitation is the best way to reduce future offending.” Other parties highlighted the need for rehabilitation, stronger rights for victims and improving the current justice system. 

Read the other major party manifestos here:

While the voting population in the UK prepares to cast their vote in less than two weeks time, we are continuing to campaign for change with the people who can make a difference.

As the parties have now released their manifestos, highlighting their policy priorities, Why me? want to do the same. We are resharing our 2024 Restorative Justice manifesto, which sets out the key three actions that we believe policy-makers need to take to widen access to Restorative Justice. By sharing this manifesto, we hope to persuade policy-makers of the transformative power of Restorative Justice, secure it on their agenda and establish an ongoing relationship post-election. As a result, they’re prioritising the needs of those most impacted by crime and committing to transform the broken justice system in the UK. 

Read our manifesto

What can you do?

We encourage you to engage with your local candidates, explaining the importance of Restorative Justice and how powerful it can be. By getting RJ on their radar at this early stage, whoever goes on to be elected will know it is valued by their constituents and we can work alongside them to promote it. 

We have written an updated draft email or letter which you can adjust and send to your local candidates. We encourage you to attach our manifesto to help explain the key ways they can promote access to Restorative Justice. You can look up candidates in your area here.

Dear [candidate],

I am a resident of [area]. Following the publication of your party manifesto, I can see that you aim to support victims of crime in our area. I am writing to share a cause that matters to me. Restorative Justice is a crucial tool in helping victims to recover, reducing reoffending and repairing the harm caused by crime. Currently, most people don’t know that it exists. This needs to change. 

At present, victims of crime are left traumatised in a justice system that only makes the harm worse. The people who commit crime become trapped in a spiral of offending behaviour with no way out. But, when given access to Restorative Justice, everyone involved can see a way out, giving them a chance to recover and heal. 

I have attached a Restorative Justice Manifesto which sets out the key ways that you can promote this vital resource. I urge you to show people in our local area how much you value the welfare of victims of crime and demonstrate your commitment to creating safer, more productive communities. By widening access to Restorative Justice, you allow people to explore their options with a trained expert who will determine whether it is safe and right for them. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely, 

[your name]

Why me? is an independent charity and we do not give our support to any political party. However, we encourage all parties to prioritise Restorative Justice and take the needs of people affected by crime seriously.


© 2025 Why me? Charity no. 1137123. Company no. 6992709.