New Chief Executive for Why me? 

Published: Thursday, February 29th, 2024

This is a blog by Why me?’s Director, Lucy Jaffé


Sara Dowling - Why me?'s incoming CEOWe are very pleased to announce that Sara Dowling will be joining Why me? on the 18th March 2024. She will be heading up a dedicated, high calibre team of volunteers, ambassadors and staff. She brings an impressive portfolio of experience and will bring a laser focus on achieving the charity’s mission of opening up access to Restorative Justice for everyone affected by crime and conflict. 

David Munro, Why me?’s chair, said, “We’re really sorry that Lucy Jaffé is leaving us after over a decade’s sterling service to the charity. She has been a brilliant Director, and really put Why me? on the map, helping hundreds of people better come to terms with their awful experience as a victim. Of course, we wish her well for her future career.”

Sara comes to us with over 30 years working in the charity sector, most recently as Deputy CEO of RoadPeace, the national charity for road crash victims, and has a strong background in charity leadership, organisation development and income generation.

“It’s great news that Sara Dowling will be joining as Chief Executive Officer shortly. She brings a wealth of experience in the charity experience, and I am sure will be a worthy successor. Welcome!”

“I’m delighted to be joining Why me? as the new CEO to build on the substantial legacy of Lucy. Through my work at RoadPeace I’ve seen first-hand how the justice system fails to prevent harm and support victims. This is a hopeful time for Restorative Justice with so much potential to reduce harm and suffering. I am looking forward to working with everyone at Why me? and our wider community to contribute to this important area, and to ensure that Restorative Justice continues to transform lives.” – Sara Dowling

© 2025 Why me? Charity no. 1137123. Company no. 6992709.