
Why me?’s projects, partnership work and unique research has led to findings and recommendations for how the provision of Restorative Justice can be improved. We have also built an evidence base which shows the power and potential of Restorative Justice to support people affected by crime and conflict.

LGBTQ+ Good Practice GuideGood practice when working with LGBTQ+ hate crimes and incidents

February 2024

This Good Practice Guide is the culmination of our learning over the past five years of our project exploring the use of Restorative Justice for LGBTQ+ hate crime. The purpose is to provide a guide for restorative services and practitioners to promote and support Restorative Justice for those affected by LGBTQ+ hate crimes and incidents. We hope that services and practitioners will gain knowledge from our work and implement the recommendations to ensure that both the LGBTQ+ and restorative sectors are working to meet the needs of those affected by LGBTQ+ hate crime.

Restorative Justice for Young Adults in Prison and on ProbationRestorative Justice for Young Adults in Prison and on Probation

November 2023

We all want young people to be able to lead productive, safe and healthy lives. But, many young people in contact with the Criminal Justice System become trapped in a spiral of crime, unable to see a way out. Why me? have completed a three-year project aiming to ensure that children and young people can access Restorative Justice to escape the spiral of crime and make positive changes to their lives.

We have produced a short report aimed at policy-makers and HMPPS, containing some key policy recommendations for improving access to Restorative Justice for young adults.

Good practice when working with English as an Additional Language speakersGood practice when working with English as an Additional Language speakers

August 2023

One of the key premises of Restorative Justice is that dialogue enables people to address and resolve matters that arise from harmful actions. For Restorative Justice to work effectively, words need to be heard and understood. But, people affected by crime who don’t speak English as a first language often face cultural and language barriers to accessing the Criminal Justice System.

Why me? has worked, through Project Articulate, to ensure that Restorative Justice is inclusive and participative for all, including people who speak English as an Additional Language. This Good Practice Guide gives practitioners support and guidance to do this well. 

Understanding barriers to Restorative Justice for young people, young adults and victims of crime

March 2023

This report is based on Why me?’s three-year project which started in September 2020 and focused on improving Restorative Justice for young people and young adults. The work done within this project has enabled us to learn about the barriers preventing the wider use of Restorative Justice for young people and young adults.

Youth Justice Services: Good Practice Guide

Youth Justice Good Practice Guide

December 2022

This Good Practice Guide has been compiled from what we have learned over the past two years from our Youth Justice project in order to provide guidance for practitioners working within the Youth Justice sector in relation to RJ and restorative practices. We hope that practitioners will gain knowledge from our work and implement the recommendations that have resulted from it to ensure that the Youth Justice sector is working restoratively to best meet the needs of the young people within it.

Economic evaluation of Restorative Justice report

An Economic Evaluation of Restorative Justice

November 2022

Why me? conducted an economic evaluation of Restorative Justice, comparing restorative interventions for victims of crime and offenders with the conventional justice system. The research analysed the economic impacts of Restorative Justice interventions, including impacts on reoffending and its direct benefits to victims. This report shares our findings and is accompanied by an economic model that can be used to measure the economic benefit of Restorative Justice in different areas.

Using restorative approaches for sexual and domestic abuse: A personal choice

October 2021

Using restorative approaches for domestic and sexual abuse: A personal choiceThis report builds on academic research, the testimony of Why me? ambassadors, and existing good practice to unpick the benefits, concerns and best practice for using restorative approaches in cases of domestic and sexual abuse. In a world where survivors of sexual and domestic abuse are so often silenced, doubted and retraumatised, Restorative Justice can make them feel empowered, listened to and able to move forward.  Having said this, the risks to the physical and emotional safety of participants need to be considered and managed by restorative facilitators alongside specialists in sexual and domestic abuse.

We are calling on the Government to fund training of restorative facilitators; ensure restorative services are available to anyone affected by crime; and empower more survivors to experience the benefits that our ambassadors have shared.

Valuing Victims: A Review of Police and Crime Commissioners’ Delivery of Restorative Justice 2020/21 – Victims of crime deserve better.

Our Valuing Victims project looks at Government funding for Restorative Justice, how it is spent in different areas, and what outcomes have been achieved. Every year the Ministry of Justice collects data on regional Restorative Justice provision. Why me? uses a Freedom of Information request to access this data and analyse which areas are investing the most money into restorative practice, and where the most restorative interventions are being delivered.

The 2023 Valuing Victims report focuses on the need for accurate data to allow for meaningful comparisons to assist the development of Restorative Justice services and deliver accountability, especially to victims of crime and the public.

The 2022 Valuing Victims report analyses data on the provision of Restorative Justice across England and Wales and makes five key practical recommendations to the Ministry of Justice to improve the data collection in this area.

The 2021 Valuing Victims report looks at the data held by the Ministry of Justice about the use of Restorative Justice across the country, and gives examples of different practice in six case study areas. 

The 2020 Valuing Victims report has the most thorough data on the outcomes of Restorative Justice for victims across the country, as the Ministry of Justice reduced the requirements for reporting on this for the most recent report.Valuing Victims report 2020


Previous Valuing Victims reports:

Valuing Victims: A Review of Police and Crime Commissioners’ Delivery of Restorative Justice 2018/19

Valuing Victims: A Review of Police and Crime Commissioners’ Funding of Restorative Justice 2013-2017 Part I, Part II

Valuing Victims: A Review of Police and Crime Commissioners’ Funding of Restorative Justice 2016


Why me? asks Police and Crime Commissioner candidates to #SignTheRJPledgePCC Pledge Report

September 2021

Before the Police and Crime Commissioner elections on May 6th 2021, Why me? asked every candidate to #SignTheRJPledge, which said that they “will work to ensure that any victim of crime in my area is informed about Restorative Justice, and can decide for themself if they want a referral to our restorative provider.”

We are thrilled that 44 candidates signed the pledge committing themselves to Restorative Justice. Six signatories won their election on May 6th and became Police & Crime Commissioners. 


Restorative Justice – an Important tool in the Government’s “Smarter Approach to Sentencing”

March 2021

The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill was published on March 9th 2021, proposing changes to the Government’s approach to sentencing. This Bill followed the Government White Paper: A Smarter Approach to Sentencing which was published in September 2020, giving an indication of their intended reforms. Some of the reforms discussed in the White Paper have been proposed in the Bill, whereas others have not, as they may not require new legislation to be implemented.

Why me?’s initial response to the Government’s Sentencing White Paper gave our views about how the proposals could impact Restorative Justice. This paper is our updated response in light of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.

The Government’s new approach to sentencing and what it means for Restorative Justice

February 2021

In September 2020, The Government published it’s new White Paper on Sentencing. Our response offers an analysis of this paper, looking at what it could mean for Restorative Justice, and includes our recommendations to the Ministry of Justice.

Restorative Policing: The pandemic and beyond

August 2020 

During the Coronavirus pandemic, a set of guidelines were issued by the Government regarding how to police the pandemic which were in tune with restorative values. This paper looks at the benefits of using restorative policing principles to police the pandemic, and how a similar framework could be used in a wider range of circumstances.





The right to choose Restorative Justice 

June 2020

This paper outlines the benefits Restorative Justice can have for people affected by crime, people who have offended, and the criminal justice system as a whole. In doing so, it argues that every victim of crime should have the right to access a restorative process if that is what they want. It includes recommendations for the Ministry of Justice, Police and Crime Commissioners, The Youth Justice Board, Youth Offending Team Managers and HM Inspectorate of Probation.

Making Restorative Justice happen for hate crime in your police area

November 2019 

This is one of two papers written following our project: “Access to Justice: Delivering Restorative Justice for hate crime.” It is aimed at Restorative Justice providers, police staff, victim and witness staff and Police and Crime Commissioners..



Making Restorative Justice happen for hate crime across the country 

November 2019 

This is one of two papers written following our project: “Access to Justice: Delivering Restorative Justice for hate crime.” It is aimed at those who make national policy. This includes the Ministry of Justice, The Home Office, The Crown Prosecution Service and others.



Evidence supporting Restorative Justice

November 2019 

This is a briefing paper on the evidence that supports the use of Restorative Justice within the criminal justice system. This highlights the importance of Restorative Justice, and the positive impact it can have on victims and other stakeholders in the process.



Communication with victims about Restorative Justice 

May 2019

A Why me? 2019 survey of Police & Crime Commissioner websites with the purpose to review how easy it is for victims to find out about Restorative Justice.






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