Understanding Restorative Justice

The resources on this page will help you understand how Restorative Justice works and how it can be used to reduce some of the harms caused by crime.

'What is Restorative Justice?' leaflet

Download the PDF version of the leaflet above.

The Woolf Within

Peter Woolf had, by his own reckoning, committed about 20,000 crimes before he committed his final offence against Will Riley. He was caught burgling Will’s house, assaulted him, and ended up in prison yet again. But this time it was different. Peter was given the opportunity to meet Will again in a Restorative Justice session in Pentonville prison. The meeting changed both their lives for ever.  In this short film Peter and Will tell their stories.

A Restorative Justice Meeting (Short Version)

The video shows a shortened account of a Restorative Justice Meeting, played by actors. The video shows what a restorative meeting is, the process that goes on before a meeting is staged, and the different roles and techniques at play during the meeting.


Repairing the Harm

This six minute video is suitable for those new to RJ and/or practitioners wanting to encourage discuss and demonstrate the impact.

If you want to purchase one of these videos as a DVD, or a copy of Peter Woolf’s biography the Woolf Within, let us know on info@why-me.org

Restorative Justice for people with Learning Disabilities and Autism

We formed a partnership with Middlesex University through our Learning Disability and Autism hate crime project. They worked with actors from the Learning Disability Community to produce four short films that explore how Restorative Justice may be used to help those who have Learning Disabilities. These films (below) formed part of this project and were showcased during Hate Crime week 2021.

Please let us know if you would like a hard copy of the leaflets below.



Leaflet on being a restorative justice ambassador

Leaflet on being a restorative justice ambassador

'What would you say' Leaflet for people who have caused harm 'What would you say' Leaflet for people who have caused harm

'What would you say' leaflet for person who was harmed 'What would you say' leaflet for person who was harmed

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© 2025 Why me? Charity no. 1137123. Company no. 6992709.