Restorative Justice – Schools & Youth Resources

Why me? have set up the RJ UK project with a vision to introduce young people aged 14 – 19 years old to the concept of Restorative Justice in the British justice system.

These interactive materials produced for the campaign can be used by teachers to align with Curriculum areas of Citizenship KS 3 & 4, (+PSHE Core Theme 1: Health and Well-being) and can also be used as an additional resource for youth practitioners mentoring young people around themes of conflict resolution, justice and societal views towards crime.


Resources are free and currently available in hard copy, please email or download files below.

Full Teachers Notes

This pack contains a full lesson plan for leaders including a True/False quiz (and answers) and a Victims of Crime picture activity (6.3MB PDF)

Quiz Questions Handout Sheet

Set of true or false quiz questions to be used by students as part of lesson plan (57kb PDF)

Victims of Crime Handout Pictures

Set of 6 pictures to be used by students as part of lesson plan (936kb PDF)

About RJ Pocket Booklet

This pocket sized guide can be given to students for a quick reference about RJ (147kb PDF)

RJ Awareness Posters

Two A4 sized posters than can be used to raise awareness of the RJ Campaign (190kb PDF)


“The small storyboard pamphlets have been a great tool. I use them to communicate some of the options when it comes to RJ. They are easy to understand and simple to use’

       Youth Offending Service Practitioner based in Sutton

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To find additional resources, please visit the Restorative Justice Council.

Also Restorative Thinking Limited, a Social Enterprise working with pupils, parents, teachers, youth and adult victims and offenders.

© 2025 Why me? Charity no. 1137123. Company no. 6992709.