Valuing Victims
Our Valuing Victims project looks at Government funding for Restorative Justice, how it is spent in different areas, and what outcomes have been achieved.
Our most recent Valuing Victims report was published on May 19th 2021. It looks at the data held by the Ministry of Justice about the use of Restorative Justice across the country, and gives examples of different practice in six case study areas.
Key Findings
- The quality and breadth of data held by the Ministry of Justice is poor, meaning that it is difficult to draw reliable conclusions about the provision and impact of Restorative Justice in different areas. If the Ministry of Justice took steps to improve this data, it would provide an important insight into where Restorative Justice is working effectively, and where improvements are needed.
- This is the first time that police areas have been asked to report on the amount invested in restorative services in their area. This data reveals that there is a significant range across the country, with some restorative services receiving investment of over £200,000 in 2019/20 and others less than £50,000.
- Case studies about Restorative Justice in six police areas shows a range of different approaches to increasing and improving provision of restorative services.
Scrutinising restorative services is an important part of ensuring that victims of crime get what they are entitled to. The Ministry of Justice could make much better use of this data to ensure that people affected by crime are getting access to services which can help them recover. As it stands, the data collected is inconsistent and narrow, so is a bit of a missed opportunity.
This report gives important recommendations about how restorative services can be improved, how these services can be better scrutinised, and the different strategies which different services use to increase uptake.
Tehmina Kazi
The latest report is available here:
Why Me? Valuing Victims report 2021
Valuing Victims: A Review of Police and Crime Commissioners’ Delivery of Restorative Justice 2018/19
A unique examination of Restorative Justice outputs and outcomes from the Ministry of Justice 2018/19 performance framework.
Valuing Victims 2017:
Less than 5% of victims are made aware of the opportunity to take part in RJ according to the British Crime Survey 2016. Through running a national survey and hosting a practitioners’ workshop, we have produced a summary of the key findings and a checklist for practitioners working with victims; showcasing case studies and good practice from across England and Wales.
Valuing Victims 2016:
Our campaign reviewed Police and Crime Commissioner (PCCs) expenditure on RJ services since 2013 prior to the PCCs 2016 election. As a result we examined delivery models for RJ services nationally, produced a national map of RJ services and provided the Justice Select Committee with supporting information for their Restorative Justice Inquiry.
Accessing Local RJ Services
If you are a victim and are interested in contacting someone to find out more about Restorative Justice you can use our map – simply find your area and click on the link for details of who to call.
Map updated August 2018
” People make RJ more difficult than it is! It is really a conversation “. — RJ Practitioner
How to have a restorative conversation with victims and people working with victims.
Explaining the restorative process through Virtual Conferencing.
Valuing Victims Campaign: Further Reading
Valuing Victims Report
Police and Crime Commissioners’ Funding of Restorative Justice Services (2016)
Improving how Victims understand Restorative Justice
A checklist for agencies working with victims of crime (2017)
The Valuing Victims Campaign is funded by the Barrow Cadbury Trust